DAF Museum and COVID-19 measurements

Several measurements have been introduced to make sure you will enjoy your visit to the museum. 

Protocol for a safe museum

The board and management of the DAF Museum want its guests to visit the museum safely and responsibly and that its employees / volunteers can work in a safe environment.

To this end, a protocol for the reopening of museums has been drawn up by the Dutch Museum Association in consultation with the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. It goes without saying that the DAF Museum also follows this protocol.

Why introduce a protocol?

The aim of the protocol for safe and responsible reopening of museums is to ensure that our guests can safely enjoy their visit and that employees / volunteers and suppliers can do their work in the museum in safety. The measures in the protocol are intended to prevent new infections with the coronavirus and to limit any possible consequences. 

Guidelines for your visit to the museum.

  • Preferably, visitors book online in advance.
  • Do not leave home if you have any health complaints. Visitors are welcome if they and their housemates have been free of complaints for at least 24 hours.
  • When booking and paying online, a day and time slot are indicated. 
  • Keep 1.5 meters distance from visitors who do not belong to the same household.
  • Wearing a facemask is mandatory. 
  • Always follow the hygiene measures.
  • Always follow the instructions of employees / volunteers of the DAF Museum.