Because you can't start early enough to plan your future

An interactive educational programme about mobility, sustainability and road-safety for primary education group 7 and 8 (6th grade) and 7th and 8th grade students of VMBO (intermediate vocational education), HAVO (higher general secondary education) and VWO (preliminary scientific education). In many cases distinct versions of the modules are available for primary education and secondary education. Refer to the explanation to our modules.

Trucknasium is a “do-and-discover-it-yourself” programme, with a preparatory lesson at school, but mainly executed in the DAF Museum itself.

A visit to the Trucknasium normally takes one morning or afternoon.
All modules, except Robotics and Composing a truck (one morning or afternoon each) take 45 minutes.
Customization is possible on request.
A separate, extensive conducted tour through the museum is optional, as is a digital quest in the museum.


Our Trucknasium modules are of keen interest for primary schools, where technology is a mandatory item in the curriculum.
Participation is free of charge for primary school students.
The costs for secondary education groups are € 100,- per class. The school should provide transport for the students.


Contact us for more information via:

By telephone: 040-2444364

Via mail: