Legal notice for downloads

The images and videos and other available downloads on this website are copyright © ,  Stichting DAF Museum or as the case may be DAF Trucks N.V.,

Vehicle models, drawings, photographs, images, texts, video sequences, with or without sound, and other documents posted on this site are subject to industrial and/or intellectual property laws and, as such, are the property of and subject to the copyright © of Stichting DAF Museum or as the case may be DAF Trucks N.V.. The items referred to in this paragraph may be copied for private use.

The images and videos and other available downloads including but not limited to, text, images and sound, may not, except for strictly private purposes, media purposes or commercial use in Stichting DAF Museum and/or DAF Trucks N.V.. interest , be downloaded, reproduced, transferred, distributed or stored without prior written permission by Stichting DAF Museum and/or as the case may be DAF Trucks N.V.. Modifications to the contents are expressly prohibited.

Regarding permission to use images or videos for other commercial purposes, please contact Stichting DAF Museum.

By entering this site, the user accepts the conditions set out above and undertakes to respect them at all times.